Circulation of the Housekeeper Varying wall height depicts the most traveled and therefore important paths.
Middle Level
Circulation of the Housekeeper Varying wall height depicts the most traveled and therefore important paths. The path is punched through the base of the model to allow the circulation to be seen on one side of the base, and given meaning through wall height on the other side of the base. Therefore, the model becomes a 3D object.
Top Level
Middle Level
Top Level
Circulation of the Housekeeper Layered balsa depicts the idea that the path is continually taken and shows the importance of more regular paths by the increase in layers of those sections.
Circulation of the Housekeeper Positive and negative slices of the building depict when a level is open and public or closed and private respectively. The path of the housekeeper is again depicted with the motion through the levels expressing a sense of movement in addition to displaying the paths she takes most often.